This week saw the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, and as an ex RAF Officer, I remember ‘the Few’ with pride on the 15th of September, or the ‘longest day’ in the context of the famous WW2 Battle. My studies as a military officer tell me that WW2 was the last time that our way of life was under existential threat…and that got me thinking.
I recently tweeted that High Life Highland is not just about leisure, highlighting the fact that we offer so much more to our communities.
Alongside our many pools, gyms and pitches, we are also opening our museums, libraries, archive centres, exhibitions, botanic gardens, town halls and community centres in addition to all our other services.
Our Youth Development Officers, Active Schools Co-ordinators and Music Instructors also go back into schools soon to help our young people deal with the return to normal.
In all of these activities, my teams depend on you to follow the rules to keep you and them safe. So far, people have been brilliant, feedback has been great, but…
Reflecting on how I have handled things personally over the last few weeks and months, I have come to the conclusion I have probably been impatient with the teams. Why this entrance? Why do we have to do that? Why are the queues here? Every time, and I mean every time, the answers have been clear; the legislation is unambiguous and I have accepted their expertise.
My pride in our people for their attention to detail, for their commitment to customer safety, for their moral courage to put me back in my box, is toweringly high.
So, to you the reader of this blog; thank you for your patience, thank you for supporting and trusting us to keep you safe. Like you, I can’t wait to see my children swimming (very soon, honest).
We see what is happening around us, the threat is real, but let’s keep the Highlands safe and still enjoy the leisure and cultural opportunities on offer.
Like WW2 Britain, we have a common enemy that we can defeat if we work together. This time, we need to make sure that the few don’t ruin things for the many.
Be patient, trust each other, and we will beat this horrible thing.
This is not intended in any way to compare two very different scenario’s, but let’s keep the ‘longest day’ behind us and create our own piece of history for future generations to be proud of.