High Life Highland has unveiled expanded and improved facilities at Inverness Botanic Gardens. The new facility was officially declared open at a garland cutting ceremony by Provost of the City of Inverness, Councillor Alex Graham on Monday.
Funded collectively by The Highland Council Inverness Common Good Fund and Cobbs, the project has delivered an extended seating area in the popular coffee shop, complete renovation of the kitchen and redecoration of the original building.
The renovation work carried out by Compass Construction was completed earlier this month. Throughout the duration of the project disruption was kept to a minimum as Cobbs continued to provide a catering service for customers located in the Tropical House which proved to be very popular with visitors.
Provost of the City of Inverness, Councillor Alex Graham said:
“The Botanic Gardens are a real asset to the City and the extended coffee shop will make a visit to the Gardens even more enjoyable.
Invernessians and visitors to our City have enjoyed the Botanic Gardens for over 20 years, recently as a free attraction and this facility will benefit residents and tourists alike.
This project is a showcase of partnership and I am particularly pleased that Inverness Common Good Fund has been able to play a significant part in bringing about this enhancement to a major local attraction.”
Donald McLachlan, High Life Highland Chair, said
“We are committed to providing the best possible facilities and service for our customers and this partnership investment will allow even more people to enjoy Inverness Botanic Gardens in the comfort of the newly expanded café”.