High Life Highland Countryside Rangers and local community volunteers from Caithness Environment Volunteers assisted NatureScot with conservation work within the River Thurso SSSI recently. The work involved removing trees planted in the fen and the removal was undertaken prevent further contraction of the fen habitat.
The River Thurso is designated as a Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) for the nationally important flood-plain fen habitat that is found there, as well as the vascular plant assemblage. Trees bring huge benefits to nature and people when located in the correct environment and the alder saplings removed from the river will be relocated to other suitable sites.
Paul Castle HLH Countryside Ranger said:
“We were delighted to be working in partnership with NatureScot on this conservation project to protect this important habitat in Caithness. Thank you to all the volunteers for helping on the day to maintain this important habitat for wildlife.”