Not a library user? High Life Highlands wants to know why!
High Life Highland is keen to find out why people don’t use their local library – so members of the team will be popping up at various places and events in the next couple of weeks to ask people why? There is also the option to complete the Non Library User Survey online.
The charity’s libraries are much loved by many regular users but High Life Highland is keen to explore why some people do not visit a library – and whether they maybe do not realise the breadth of services and activities that their local library has to offer.
Julie Corcoran, Head of Libraries at High Life Highland explained: “Our libraries offer people of all ages a fantastic service but we know that there are people in the Highlands who don’t visit libraries, for whatever reason. We are keen to find out what those reasons are to ensure that the service we are offering is fit for purpose and meeting the needs of as many people in the community as possible.”
High Life Highland operates 43 libraries across the Highland region – some are stand alone libraries while others are operating as part of a community centre or school. They attract almost two million visits per year, with Portree and Dingwall libraries enjoying the largest footfall.
“The image of a stuffy, silent library for reading and study is long gone, libraries are so much more than that”, added Julie.
“Our libraries are inclusive and welcoming spaces that offer a multitude of activities and events for all ages, as well as access to IT facilities and digital support – and all for free. So if there are people who do not use them, we are really keen to find out why and what would encourage them to visit in the future.”
To take part in the survey, go online please go here: Libraries Non-User Survey or to find out more about High Life Highland libraries go here: Libraries – High Life Highland