Posts Categorized: News


Christmas is coming!

This fantastic picture is from the Highland Health Board Archive and was taken in the old Raigmore Hospital kitchen in Inverness, c.1950 and shows the time old tradition of stirring the Christmas pudding. (Ref: GB0232/HHB/99/3/3)Read more

Explore Your Archive

This week 14-22 November is Explore Your Archive Campaign.  Look out for postings on our Facebook and Twitter pages and see what you can discover!Read more

The 1715 Jacobite Uprising

We will be commemorating the 300th anniversary of the the 1715 Jacobite Uprising with a free event on Saturday 14th November. The speakers are Jim Miller, author and local historian who will present ‘Comforters of Rebellion’: Inverness in 1715 and Anne Fraser, Family Historian at Highland Archive Centre who will talk about ‘1715 – Highland Family Connections’. The… Read more »Read more

Doors Open Day, Highland Archive Centre, Inverness

Uncover stories from the past at Highland Archive and Registration Centre, Inverness. The building, situated along the river from Bught Park is the state of the art home for the historic records of Inverness-shire, Nairn, Ross & Cromarty, and Sutherland; and contains archives which date from the 14th century to the present day, including records… Read more »Read more

Caithness Roadshow

Caithness Archives Centre staff will be holding an open afternoon at Natural Retreats at John O’Groats on Saturday 1 August from 1.00-3.00pm, bringing with us a selection of old documents relating to Canisbay, Freswick and Mey. We’ll have police conviction books, school records, poor law records, old maps, and a variety of other archives on… Read more »Read more