A double bed, a girl in a bikini, a big heap of people all wearing kilts, a piano, a Model T Ford, a plough, a beer barrel, another Model T Ford are among the many weird and wonderful stunts that over the years have made it to the top of Ben Nevis.

This Google Android went up the Ben recently to advertise a new Google app “androidify yourself”
giving users the opportunity to personalise the usual android character.

The Celtic huddle is an annual event on Ben Nevis run by Celtic Football Club Foundation,
a charity that helps disadvantaged people in the East End of Glasgow.
In 2013 a crowd from Travelodge took their quest to provide customer comfort to new heights. 1344 metres of height to be exact.
A team of 36 constructed a Travelodge room on the summit complete with a double bed, raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
- The first Model T Ford was driven up Ben Nevis and, amazingly, back down in one piece, by Mr Henry Alexander on May16th 1911. Exactly 100 years later in 2011 a Model T rally was held in Fort William and once again one of these wonderful old cars reached the summit, although this time taken in bits by a team of 60 volunteers and re-assembled at the top.
- Local strong man Kenny Campbell unsuccessfully attempted to carry a piano up but eventually managed an organ. Apparently people were dancing on the summit as he played “Scotland the Brave” ! Kenny also claims to be the only man to have reached the summit carrying a plough and a beer barrel, albeit on separate occasions.
- In 2006 a group of John Muir Trust volunteers were doing maintenance work near the summit when they discovered the frame of a piano buried in a cairn. It was thought that Kenny had left it there in the early 70’s but he denied it. A group of guys who worked for a removal company then owned up that they had left it there after a charity fund raising stunt some 20 years before..
- In 2004 a 24 year old Dundee hairdresser raised money for Cystic Fibrosis Research by wearing her bikini whilst climbing up and down the mountain.
If you are planning an unusual event on Ben Nevis do let us know so we can include you on this page.