Posts Categorized: News


Winning school announced for Inverness Castle time capsule

The winners of the time capsule project for Inverness Castle were announced today as North Kessock Primary School! The school submitted their top five items to be represented in the time capsule that will be suspended in the original well within Inverness Castle. The items were: A personal diary from home-schooling during the Covid-19 lockdown,… Read more »Read more

Black Isle Leisure Centre doors thrown open to public

People living in the Black Isle and the surrounding area are invited to get to know the facilities on offer at the Black Isle Leisure Centre when it throws its doors open this Saturday 20th May 2023 between 9am and 3.30pm. High Life Highland’s Leisure Manager, Ian Goode explained, “As part of an ongoing programme… Read more »Read more


The team at High Life Highland’s Culloden Library are delighted to be supporting Mental Health Awareness Week (15th– 21st May), by introducing a new community initiative called Culloden Mind Hub. High Life Highland’s Network Librarian, Michelle Gowans explains, “We have been able to launch the Mind Hub at Culloden Library with generous support from the… Read more »Read more

What is the Inverness Castle Experience?

Members of the public are invited to go along to view the new Inverness Castle Experience film in 360, have a chat with the castle team and see the concept ideas for the new visitor attraction due to open in 2025. High Life Highland, on behalf of the Highland Council are offering allocated time slots… Read more »Read more

The search is on for new Highland Youth Convener

The call has gone out to the young people of the Highlands, as they are being invited to put themselves forward to become the Highlands’ next Youth Convener. The Highland Youth Convener is a unique role created in 2007 by The Highland Council to champion the causes of young people across the Highlands. Outgoing Youth… Read more »Read more

Inverness Castle Experience – design update

Updates were provided today (Thursday 27 April) of how the designs of the Inverness Castle Experience are developing.  The newly transformed Inverness castle is due to open to the public in 2025.   The new details show how the castle will be transformed from its past uses as a prison and courtroom to a visitor attraction,… Read more »Read more