Posts Categorized: News


Here’s to Health Wealth and Happiness at Inverness Museum & Art Gallery

Stories of healthcare in the Highlands are the focus of Inverness Museum and Art Gallery’s new exhibition. Health, Wealth, and Happiness explores the history of health and wellbeing in the Highlands, from traditional treatments and cutting-edge technologies to the Covid-19 pandemic. Inverness Museum curator Kari Moodie said: “We’re delighted to shine a spotlight on this… Read more »Read more

Work to transform Inverness Castle begins

New hoarding is set to go up around Inverness Castle this week ahead of work beginning on its transformation into a visitor attraction. Work on the new site boundaries is due to start on Friday (April 15) with fencing securing the site expected to be completed over the next five days. Initial hoarding will be… Read more »Read more

Highlife Wildlife projects

Spring is in the air and while birds start to think of nesting and queen bumblebees are waking up from a long winter sleep, the High Life Highland Countryside Rangers have been busy. Throughout the Highlands, the Rangers have been working with local communities on a wide range of wildlife projects including building nest boxes,… Read more »Read more

High Life Highland’s Virtual Running Series 2022 

Children across the Highlands have run over 24,000km as part of a challenge by High Life Highland (HLH). The HLH Virtual Running Series ran throughout March and encouraged primary school aged children to get outside and take part, whether around their local area, at school or on a running track. In total, 58 schools took… Read more »Read more

High Life Highland thanks staff and public for Ukraine donations

High Life Highland will be donating over £15,000 to the Disaster Emergency Committee appeal for Ukraine following a weekend of fundraising. In support The Highland Council’s Highland Weekend of Action for Ukraine, HLH is sending £15,426 which comes from staff and public donations to the humanitarian appeal. More than four million people have fled Ukraine… Read more »Read more

Highland communities get behind Stress Awareness Month

Highland Community Planning Partnership supports Stress Awareness Month and encourages communities across Highland to continue to play their part in the ‘Community’ based theme throughout the month of April. Stress Awareness Month is held each year in the month of April to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. The… Read more »Read more

Spirit of the Highlands and Islands project receives funding from the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund

New funding has been secured for the Spirit of the Highlands and Islands project to create innovative and interactive digital content showcasing people’s stories of the region. The grant comes from the Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF), led by NatureScot and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In partnership with VisitScotland, the… Read more »Read more

Join in the fun at Inverness this Easter

Kayaking, canoeing, biking, team games and other fun adventures will be available for children this Easter holidays. High Life Highland’s outdoor activities team is bringing a raft of activities for the holidays taking place in and around Inverness. The fun includes: Week one April 4-8 Paddle Power in the Park takes place on April 4… Read more »Read more