Posts Categorized: News


First stitch in the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands

The Averon Centre in Alness has become the location of the first stitch to be sewn into the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands.  The project, spanning communities from across the Highlands and Islands, has over 500 stitchers of various ages ranging from aged 16 to 89. Norma Bain, lead stitcher of the nine ‘Spirited… Read more »Read more

Duke of Edinburgh Awards for Highland young people

Eighteen young people from the Highlands recently attended the national Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award ceremony in Edinburgh to be presented with their awards. Convener of The Highland Council, Cllr Bill Lobban said: “Our congratulations to all the 18 young people who have received their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Completing their expeditions, skills, physical… Read more »Read more

One man walking, a million talking.

Walking the 1200-mile length of Great Britain in 2022 for suicide prevention and postvention. In 2019, John Gibson’s son, Cameron, took his own life without warning. John is now walking from Land’s End to John O ‘Groats in an effort to get the country talking about suicide.  He is seeking to help reduce stigma and encourage… Read more »Read more

New funding to celebrate Angus Og collection

High Life Highland’s Highland Archive Service is set to digitise and conserve a collection of Angus Og cartoons after receiving funding from the Scottish Government. Angus Og was created by cartoonist Ewen Bain and his adventures were based on the fabled Isle of Drambeg in the Utter Hebrides. Highland Archivist Alison Mason said: “We’re delighted… Read more »Read more

150 Years of Learning

Few pieces of legislation can have had such an impact on Scotland’s children as the Education (Scotland) Act 1872.  To mark the 150th anniversary of this transformative act High Life Highland’s Highland Archive Service has created a brand-new online exhibition now available at Following on from the 1870 Education Act in England & Wales, the… Read more »Read more

Rare Ostracod discovery at Smoo Cave

  A rare ostracod – a tiny crustacean around 1mm in size – has been discovered during a research trip in the Highlands.  High Life Highland Ranger for North West Sutherland Donald Mitchell and Countryside Ranger Manager Imogen Furlong assisted two researchers looking for a rare subterranean aquatic creature last year.   The survey results of… Read more »Read more

Protecting the Sea Pinks in Ullapool

  Ahead of major development works planned along the sea front in Ullapool, High Life Highland’s Countryside Rangers have been moving much-loved plants – sea pinks – to new locations.   Working with local conservation volunteers, Countryside Rangers removed the plants from the shore wall to prevent the loss of thrift, or sea pink, from… Read more »Read more

Indoor cycling classes at Dingwall Leisure Centre

Newly upgraded indoor cycling bikes have arrived at Dingwall Leisure Centre. The Tulloch Avenue leisure centre has 12 classes for circuit spin each week from Monday through to Saturday. Leisure manager Lisa MacDonald said: “The new bikes are the latest and best model on the market, providing our gym-goers an effective workout range, from easy… Read more »Read more