Posts Categorized: News


Archive staff come together to celebrate winning national award

It was back in August when High Life Highland’s Archive Service was announced as Record Keeping Service of the Year 2024 but it’s only now that the busy team of archivists have been able to come together to celebrate. The Archive and Records Association (ARA) Excellence Awards, took place on 29th August in Birmingham with the Highland Archive… Read more »Read more

Hope Gordon visits inspire North East school pupils

Fresh from her stunning performance in Paris, Paralympic canoeist, Hope Gordon has been paying a visit to local schools in her home county to show off her silver medal! Dornoch Academy and several local primary schools were delighted to receive a visit and get the opportunity to hear all about Hope’s sporting journey and ask… Read more »Read more

Nairn’s young golfers show they are on par!

The annual Nairn Active Schools Group golf tournament took place last week with the young golfers from Millbank Primary School taking home the silverware! Millbank came 1st with 130, followed by Cawdor on 136, Auldearn on 157 and Rosebank on 169. Deanna Lundie, the High Life Highland Active Schools Coordinator said: “Despite the really challenging… Read more »Read more

New exhibitions opening at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery!

The Inverness Museum and Art Gallery is hosting two new exhibitions this autumn. Gemma Petrie’s exhibition, ‘Gather the Pieces, What Part Are We?’ and ‘Angus Og and the Environment, featuring original artwork by Ewen Bain’ go on show from Saturday 28th September. The aim of Gemma’s exhibition – which can be viewed in the Main Gallery… Read more »Read more

Help at hand for those with Type 2 Diabetes

People with Type 2 Diabetes, or at risk of developing the condition, are being encouraged to take part in a five week programme that aims to provide information and personal support to help people manage their symptoms. Delivered by High Life Highland staff at Inverness Leisure, the Living With Type 2 Diabetes programme will focus… Read more »Read more