Posts Categorized: News


Upcoming ‘Canals, Curlews and Cormorants’ guided walk a brilliant opportunity for wildlife photographers

In recognition of what Autumn brings, High Life Highland’s Countryside Ranger for the Inverness Area, John Orr, will be co-facilitating a relaxing and informative walk titled ‘Canals, Curlews and Cormorants’. John shared: “I’m really looking forward leading this crisp, Autumn, Inverness walk. It’s such a special time of year to be out and about exploring… Read more »Read more

From Dingwall to Lochinver: Countryside Rangers celebrate a successful month of Highland-wide activities

Photo of child enjoying the end product of ‘10 things to do with a stick’ event in Laide earlier this year

High Life Highland is proud to announce a record-breaking month of educational projects and customer engagement in the North Team’s domain within the Rangers service. High Life Highland Ranger Service is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment, understanding, and care of the Highlands’ wildlife, environment, and landscapes. The service offers a range of educational programs, guided… Read more »Read more