Music Tuition advances technology use with digital chanters
High Life Highland (HLH) music instructors have been finding new ways of teaching pupils during the pandemic and have invested in and successfully introduced electronic chanters as a method for continuing piping lessons.
This means that lessons will comply with the current Scottish Government guideline for the use of musical instruments in schools.
Colin Melville, HLH Piping Instructor commented: “The Blair Digital Chanter uses real holes and optical sensors to provide a very accurate and realistic playing experience. Beyond that they offer an impressive selection of options for all sorts of settings and sounds.
They are undoubtedly the best digital chanters available on the market today and the whole team is grateful for this investment which allows us to return to some face to face teaching in Highland schools.”
HLH piping Instructors will use their own digital chanter to teach individual pupils on their return to schools. Current guidelines prohibit the use of chanters/bagpipes; woodwind & brass instruments and singing in schools, so this investment allows Instructors to return to face to face teaching where an appropriate teaching space is available.
Norman Bolton Music Development Officer for High Life Highland said, “I am delighted that we have been able to introduce digital chanters as a means of providing tuition. Feedback so far has been positive, the digital chanters are working well and pupils and instructors are pleased with the results.”