Members of the public are invited along to Eden Court’s upcoming performance ‘Not In My Back Garden’ set to take place at the Inverness Botanic Gardens.
‘Not In My Back Garden’ is a promenade performance by Eden Court Engagement groups in various locations around the Botanic Gardens. The performances are by Eden Court Adult Performance Group, Youth Theatre (ages 16-19), and Just Sing.
Each performance is an emotional response to the Climate Emergency containing a blend of short pieces of dance, theatre, and song.
Louise Marshall, one of Eden Court’s Producers, shared: “The Climate Emergency is real and urgent and it’s important to keep it present in people’s minds.
“We hope to get audience members thinking about their own hopes and fears, anxieties and actions in relation to the Climate Emergency.
“At the same time, however, we want people to feel inspired. The performance is an emotional response focusing on our own experiences and what matters to us most during these uncertain times of climate change.”
The audience are invited to explore the Botanic Gardens and discover the performances happening in various locations along the way, which will be repeating throughout the afternoon.
In addition, there will be representation by local environmental groups, sharing information and talking to members of the public about what they can do for the planet.
Ewan Mackintosh, High Life Highland’s Facilities Manager of Inverness Botanic Gardens, added: “Extremes in climate are becoming common place and extinction rates of plant and animal species are increasing.
“Botanical Gardens play a vital role in cataloguing and preserving plant species and helping people understand their importance.
“Climate change, its impacts, and how we respond will shape the future of this and the coming generations. We are delighted to be working with Eden Court to help keep this crucial subject front and centre of people minds.”
‘Not In My Back Garden’ will take place on Saturday 25th November from 2pm until 5pm, with performances repeating throughout the afternoon to ensure that attendees will not miss out as they drift around the Botanic Gardens at their own pace.
The timing of this event was decided to raise awareness of the upcoming 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC.
Shortened to COP28, this 28th United Nations Climate Change conference is set to be held from Thursday 30th November until Tuesday 12th December at the Expo City, Dubai. More information: https://www.cop28.com/
This is a free, unticketed event, so consider coming along and enjoy some though-provoking performances for the weekend: https://eden-court.co.uk/event/not-in-my-back-garden