Around 160 young people aged 14 to 25 are elected every two years to represent every part of Scotland and campaign for positive change.
Voting for new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) is open now until 6pm on Sunday 19th November 2023.
Mollie McGoran, who grew up in Alness and is the current Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “The Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s Young People, and we need young people’s votes to stay exactly that: democratic.”
Mollie is a strong advocate for the voices of young people, having been involved in local and national issues throughout her life.
Mollie continues: “Voting in the elections allows you to use your voice to empower Scottish Youth Parliament candidates and shows decision-makers that young people are engaged in politics.”
Voting in Highland is online via the Young Scot website, using the Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC). A short video to help young people with the process has been created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJR-XFzehts
Dougal Masterson, who is coming to the end of his term as an MSYP, added: “The Scottish Youth Parliament has been an amazing experience for me, and I’ve gained lots of skills that will help me going forward, as well as made lots of friends.
“Voting in the upcoming elections is crucial, as SYP plays a huge role in shaping young people’s lives in Scotland.
“It is especially important that Highland is represented as well as possible, as we face unique challenges that are often overlooked.”
For young people who do not have a Young Scot NEC, a temporary one-off unique number can be granted to allow for voting. To request this, please contact Nigel Brett Young, High Life Highland’s Youth Work Manager: [email protected]
There are also plenty of useful guides and resources that can be accessed directly on the Young Scot website: https://young.scot/
There is more information to help young people in making informed decisions on the Scottish Youth Parliament’s website: https://syp.org.uk/
Results will be announced during the week commencing Monday 20th November 2023.