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High Life Highland hosts Argentinian students for another successful cultural exchange

Argentinian students visit to Ross County FC with some of the Dingwall young people

Eight students from Colegio Manuel Belgrano, a secondary school in Argentina, arrived in Inverness on Sunday 24th September for a whirlwind visit of the Scottish Highlands jointly led by Colonias De Inmersion Al Idioma and High Life Highland.

Colonias De Inmersion Al Idioma has been creating educational adventures for the young people of Argentina since 1988, and on this occasion was led by Fernando Damian Carro, Director of the organisation for over 20 years.

Fiona Richardson, the Highland Council’s Area Place Plans Project Manager, shared: “I first met Fernando in early 2020, during a chance encounter at Portree Library.

“Fernando was looking to learn more about High Life Highland, so we spoke about the organisation, the opportunities to link in with the Youth Service and Highland Youth Parliament.  The pandemic took effect, so our communications were halted until Autumn of 2021.

“With support from a small group of partners, 16 young people from 2 schools came over in September 2022, spending time in Plockton at the music school, Skye and Inverness.

“The trip last year was such a success, that Fernando was keen to convert it into an annual occurrence and strengthen links in the Highlands to do so.

“This year, the trip involved the group flying from Argentina to Frankfurt, then Frankfurt to Dublin, then onto Limerick where they stayed with host families for a week. They travelled from Dublin to London for three nights before heading Northwards to Inverness.”

Once the group touched down on Sunday 24th September, they met up with local young people at the Town House for a tour of the Inverness City Centre. The programme was then:



Monday 25th September


•  Loch Ness Cruise with young people from Charleston Academy

•  Cooking session at UHI

•  Visit to Cromarty Youth Café for dinner and tour of the village (they were supposed to be out rowing but the wind was too high)



Tuesday 26th September


•  Highland Sports with UHI at Bught Park

•  Walking tour of Dingwall, visit to Ross County FC, meet with Dingwall Youth Forum and then attend drop in



Wednesday 27th September


•  Visit to Culloden Battlefield

•  Environmental Field Trip to Rosemarkie with UHI and young people from Black Isle

•  Farewell Ceilidh at the Inverness Botanic Gardens with 50 local young people



Fiona continued: “The group then departed the Highlands by train on Thursday 28th September, heading to Edinburgh for their connection homewards.

“The core idea behind these trips is for young people to participate in a cultural exchange, getting the opportunity to broaden their perspectives through new experiences and friendships which transcend traditional barriers.

“It is safe to say that all students, local young people, and partners involved had a wonderful experience overall. High Life Highland looks forward to continuing the strong link between the Highlands and Argentina through partnership with Colonias De Inmersion Al Idioma.”

Fernando added: “Our trip last year was great, but this time we had a chance to bond more with local people since we were based in Inverness for a few days. Overall, we were very impressed with the people and the places we visited along the way.

“The students loved every moment of their time in the Highlands! The network of facilities that High Life Highland manage is very powerful.

“High Life Highland was the thread connecting the series of gatherings and events we took part in from the moment we arrived, to the unforgettable Ceilidh at the Inverness Botanic Gardens.

“Many thanks for yet another wonderful trip, we have all left with the feeling that there is a lot more in the Highlands that we were expecting to find – so we will have to save even more highlights for the next one.”

Nicola Mowat, High Life Highland’s Youth Workers, said: “Our local young people welcomed the group into their communities and showed great hospitality, as did our local youth development team and other partners.

“It was fantastic to showcase the beautiful place that we live, and the opportunities young people have in the Highlands.

“It is very exciting that our young people are being offered fully funded placements on an Argentinian exchange programme, and we look forward to making lots of connections from across the world.”

Fabiana Ciana, Head of English at Colegio Manuel Belgrano, said: “The wonderful memories of our experience in the Highlands will stay not only in our minds but also in our hearts.

“The warmth, hospitality and friendliness of High Life Highland staff and local young people made us feel at home – so we have returned to Argentina knowing that we have a new family ‘clan’ in the Highlands. Huge thank you for the full Scottish experience.”

Students from this year’s cohort also expressed their experiences with the following feedback:

Manuel said: “I am more than satisfied with the experience we had during these days in Inverness, not only because of the beauty of the Highlands, but also because of the people I met and the unforgettable moments we shared.”

Lorenzo said: “Last year, I visited this beautiful place with my family, but this trip exceeded expectations! Apart from the beautiful landscapes that remain in my memory, I made good friends.”

Tomás said: “For me, it has been an amazing experience that I will hardly forget about. Scotland is a beautiful place, with very nice people, and an extremely rich history. I hope in the future I can come back again and experience these wonderful adventures.”

Stefano said: “I’m very glad to have visited the Highlands, I talked with a lot of local people. It was a very beautiful and unforgettable experience, so thank you very much!”

Fausto said: “When I arrived in Inverness, I didn’t know what to expect, since it was my first time in the Highlands. However, the peculiar houses, the Inverness City Centre, and the highways with their beautiful landscapes helped me build a positive experience.

“But what I find most important is the people; they are filled with hospitality and a natural charm, and spending time with them was great. For all these reasons, one could say that I’m taking back home more than just my luggage…”