This Green Health Week (May 14-22), Think Health Think Nature, is asking the people of Highland to ‘Give Nature a Go’ to help improve their health and wellbeing.
There are a variety of activities on offer all across Highland to engage with nature wherever you may find it.
Think Health Think Nature is the work programme of the Highland Green Health Partnership, to which High Life Highland is a member, delivering action to help make more use of Scotland’s Outdoors as a Natural Health Service.
The partnership is supported through funding from NatureScot.
Since 2019, Think Health Think Nature have supported 53 community projects across Highland with small grant funding that has helped to connect people with nature for their improved physical and mental wellbeing.
The Highland Green Health Small Grant fund 2022 opened Monday (May 16).
Applications are invited from community groups within the Highland Council area, for projects up to a value of £1500.
The fund is open until 5pm on June 13 2022.
For more information about Green Health Week and for further details on how to apply for the fund, click here.