Tickets for this year’s Inverness Highland Games are now on sale.
Available for the first time online at www.invernesshighlandgames.com highlife card holders can take advantage of a discounted rate for the event at Bught Park on Saturday, July 16
High Life Highland Events Manager Amy MacLeod said: “Our focus is providing people and families with as many memory-making moments as possible.
“We hope this year’s Inverness Highland Games will offer a fun day out to both resident and visitor showcasing the traditional competitive events and displays we all enjoy at a Highland Games and have very much missed these last two years.”
The Games will feature the magnificent heavies, track and field athletics, pipes and drums and Highland Dancing and are supported by the Inverness Common Good Fund.
Competition event entry forms for those looking to take part in the competitive track and field athletic, highland dancing and solo piping events are also available on the website.
Tickets are priced:
- Adult (16+) general admission £10
- Concession (under 16, senior 65+ and accessibility tickets) general admission £5.
- HLH member adult (16+) discounted admission £7
- HLH member concession (under 16, senior 65+ and accessibility tickets) discounted admission £3
High Life Highland runs the event supported by the Inverness Highland Games Committee on behalf of The Highland Council’s City of Inverness and Area, Events and Festivals Working Group.
For more information and to buy tickets, visit www.invernesshighlandgames.com