We have a winner…
High Life Highland have teamed up with MFR for a very spooky and special Halloween writing competition. There are 4 categories, and the winner of each category will receive a £25 book voucher with the overall winner receiving an iPad Air. We had hundreds of entries and the judges had a really tough time choosing the winners, which you can read below. The overall winner has been dramatsied and played on the MFR breakfast show on Hallowe’en!
Overall Winner:
The Super Scary Night
Mackenzie Paterson, Age 7, Tarradale Primary
Mackenzie’s fun, creative take on a spooky story really captured our judges’ attention. Well done to Mackenzie who wins the 7 and Under category and is our overall winner of the top prize, an iPad Air.
8-12 Yr Old Category Winner:
The Monster Inside
“Oh God”. A body. Instinctively I kneel down to check for a pulse. Her wrist is cold to the touch. I hold onto her wrist desperate for any sign of a pulse…
13-17 Yr Old Category Winner:
I Wonder
After she’s dead he says a prayer, asking for forgiveness. He still sits in the corner, he cries, he picks up the phone and calls the police…
Adult Category Winner:
The Dare
Some years ago a youth was dared to spend a night in Boleskine Cemetery, which is across the road from the notorious Boleskine House and is said to be linked by an underground passage…
Gaelic Category Winner:
San choille dubh dorcha
Aon latha air Oidhche- Shamhna bha Seumas tricetreatadh. bha e air a dol dha coig dorsan seo na rudana fhuair e, ubhal,dha lolipop teoclaid, orain agus sweatais drumstic.
Bha taigh air an taobh eile den choille airson a faighinn rudbho Mr Alistair’s e daoine snog a bh’ ann mar sin bha fhios aig Seumas gun robh e dol a’faighinn rud math bho Mr Alistair.
Air an rathad dhan taigh aid Mt Alistair bha e bha ns craobhan uaine a snighe agus bha na duileagan a bha leth orains agus leth dearg a tuitem dhan lar. Bha Seumas a’ chluinntinn rudan mar broomstick a leum…. choimhad e mun chuairt agus ‘s e bhanan-bhuidheach a bh’ann. Bha an bana-bhuideach a chuir Seumas ann an baga.
As de an latha seo cha robh daoine sam bith a faicinn Seumas beo.
In the Dark Black wood
One day, on Halloween, James was trick or treating. He had gone to five doors and these are the things which he got: an apple, two chocolate lollipops, an orange, and drumstick sweeties.
There was a house on the other side of the wood – Mr Alistair’s house. Mr Alistair was a nice man and James knew he would get something good from him.
On the way to Mr Alistair’s house, the green trees were dripping and the half-orange and half-red leaves were falling to the ground. James heard something like a broomstick jumping … he looked around and who was it but a witch! The witch put James into a bag.
After this day nobody ever saw James alive again.