Welcome to our Museum Blog page! Here you can find all our blogs on a range of different topics.

Behind the Scenes of an Exhibition Blog
Join Millie, our Collections Assistant, as she follows the process of helping to research, pack and install objects from our collection for the Health, Wealth and Happiness exhibition at the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery (IMAG)
Camanachd Craic / Shinty Stories Blog
We were awarded funding in 2019 from Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) to research and develop our shinty collections. The funding allowed Helen Pickles, Project Officer (Shinty Memories and Material Culture) to be employed on an 18 month contract, until early 2021. Helen researched, documented and digitised our shinty collections, and wrote a blog throughout project to keep everyone up to date with the camanachd craic!

Mo Chlòlan Dubh – Badenoch Textiles Blog
Here, PhD student Maureen Hammond of UHI and High Life Highland will be highlighting items from the collection at Am Fasgadh. With a particular focus on Badenoch, this page will give glimpses of life in the long eighteenth century, through interpretation of Gaelic, textiles and material culture – ‘Mo Chlòlan Dubh’.
Fàilte gu duilleag ‘Mo Chlòlan Dubh’. Gach seachdain, bidh Maureen Hammond, oileanach PhD aig UHI agus Highlife na Gàidhealtachd, a’ taisbeanadh pàirt dhen chruinneachadh aig Am Fasgadh. Le aire shònraichte air sgìre Bhàideanach, gheibh sibh sealladh air beatha san ochdamh linn deug, tro Ghàidhlig, clò agus cultar dùthchasach.
Baskets, Bobbins and Barvas Ware Blog
Between July 2017 – 2018, Assistant Conservator Rachael Thomas and Documentation Assistant Helen Pickles worked on a project, funded through Museum Galleries Scotland’s Recognition Fund, to document, conserve and improve the storage and accessibility to some of the most vulnerable parts of our collection.
Rachael and Helen kept a blog throughout the project to share what they were working on and to keep readers posted with any interesting discoveries they made along the way!