In the Dim Light showcases a collection of sculpture and short films by Orcadian puppeteer, animator and model maker Mal Grieve. As well as being heavily influenced by the Scottish environment, Mal takes a lot of inspiration from the small and the everyday. This love of the little things can be seen in the sculptures on show in the foyer gallery – the intricate characters, miniature sets, props and delicate objects requiring the viewer to get up close and interact with the work. Two of Mal’s films will be screened in Small Art Gallery – Shadowbird, tells the story of a young space sailor, and Projections uses shadow puppetry to explore the work of Palaeontologists studying fossils on the Isle of Skye. Click here for some shadow puppet-making activities, inspired by this exhibition.
27 July – 21 September 2024
Small Art Gallery/Foyer Craft Gallery