Home » Summer Art Club

Summer Art Club

Richard Bracken

As part of High Life Highland’s ‘School’s Out!’ Activity Programme the museum is delighted to share a special series of three workshops with artist Richard Bracken and aimed at 8 – 12 year olds.  Richard will guide the children through a range of art making techniques, in response to the current exhibition by Charlotte Hodes, which is inspired by summer picnics.  Over three Thursdays participants will explore papercut and collage, screenprinting onto fabric, and ceramic painting.  Create a picnic set to be enjoyed by all the family at a picnic in Bellfield Park.
Richard Bracken has a passion for working with children and young people of all ages and is currently the lead artist for Room 13 in Caol.  £5 per child per session.

Please book through High Life Highland’s ‘School’s Out’ Activites site.

Thursdays 4, 11, 18 July: 1 – 4pm, Room to Discover
Saturday 20 July: 12 – 1pm – Bring a picnic to Bellfield Park, Inverness