Inverness Museum and Art Gallery continues to engage people of all ages, abilities and levels of interest with our diverse and varied collections through inviting them to explore, handle, learn about and research, add knowledge to and enjoy the archives, objects and specimens we hold in a variety of innovative, inspired and inspiring ways.
We aim to offer opportunities for engagement that reflect all those who use the museum, including those who follow our work through our website and social media platforms. We will continue to develop and implement evaluation strategies to ensure that we meet this aim.
We are offering engagement with the museums’ collections through:
The model of Community Curation a way of working together with specialists, professionals, education providers and participants, societies and organisations and local community members to improve collections display and interpretation; including a regular programme of hands-on workshops leading to temporary exhibitions programmes and updating and developing the permanent displays
Developing and implementing interpretation strategies that reflect the knowledge, interests and aspirations of our communities
Developing and offering high quality all age and all ability research and learning opportunities and bespoke in-gallery experiences
Developing and offering high quality family experiences inspired by our collections
Producing schools oriented learning materials that complement the current curriculum, including Loans Boxes and Natural History Specimen Loans and downloadable educational resources
Expanding and supporting access to museum collections’ inspired research and learning for Further and Higher Education staff and students
Expanding and supporting access to museum collections’ inspired research and learning for lifelong learners
Recruiting, managing and supporting volunteers according to the museums’ volunteering policy
To find out more about Inverness Museum and Art Gallery’s Collections Engagement Programme contact Alison Parfitt, Curator (Collections Engagement):