Home » Monoprint Concertina Books

Monoprint Concertina Books

with Rachael Jane MacDonald

Image: © Rachael MacDonald

Learn how to make monoprints in week one and then use these to make a concertina book in week two.  Respond to a painting from the Redpath and Her Circle exhibition in the Main Art Gallery.  These workshops is led by artist Rachael Jane MacDonald, a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art.  Rachael incorporates cyanotypes, textiles and mixed media into her practice.  No experience necessary, all materials included.  £20 for both sessions, spaces limited so booking essential – email us or call 01349 781730.  Please make sure that both sessions can be attended before booking.
Wednesdays: 7 and 14 August, 10am – 1pm
Room to Discover