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The summer read of 2016 and a complete page turner! The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins has you gripped with intrigue from the outset. Firstly, the reader is intrigued by where exactly this tale of an emotionally distraught, self-destructing alcoholic is actually going but very quickly you will be gripped and it will be very hard to tear yourself away. The main character, Rachel, is flawed in many ways and even though troubled she is a superb heroine, even if she does make you cringe on more than one occasion. The story itself is very simple, Rachel catches the same train every day to and from work knowing all the stops and all the houses along her route. One day she sees something that is out of the ordinary at her “favourite” house and this takes her on the journey to prove that she is more than just the girl on the train who has been written off as a hapless drunk. Like all good thrillers this book has a brilliant narrative that eventually comes together at the end. Highly recommended to read before the impending film is released.