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Badenoch Library is a purpose-built library on upper floor of the Badenoch Centre, shares space with the Learning Centre opened 2006. We have two public access computers available for use free of charge. We also have a photocopier, for which there is a charge.
Library Events:
Bookbug Sessions
Bookbug rhyme and story sessions take place every Thursday at 10:30 – 11:00 followed by Duplo 11:00 – 11:30. Spaces are limited to 12 people and pre-booking is essential by contacting the library.
Chatterbooks Session
Thursday 15.30-16.30. This popular book club is for primary school aged children from P4 and up. We do fun and varied book related activities.
Lego Club
P1 – P3 with parent / carer supervision; younger siblings are welcome. Fridays 14.00-15.00.
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