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Inshes Library is located within Inshes Primary School with plenty of car and bicycle parking on site. There are two public access computers. Printing, scanning and photocopying facilities are available.
Library Activities
Look out for upcoming news and activities on Inshes Library’s Facebook page.
Bookbug Sessions:
Friday, 15:15 (term-time only)
Saturday, 10:30 (term-time and holidays)
Sessions last approx. 30 minutes and no booking is required.
Family Story and Activity Time:
Enjoy a story followed by a fun related activity (suitable for ages 4+ and their families).
One Wednesday a month at 16:00 (term-time only).
Please check our Facebook page for details of our next session.
Lego Club:
Saturday, 10:30 – 12:15 (term-time and holidays)
Drop-in session, no booking required. Suitable for ages 4+ with Duplo available for younger children.
We ask that parents/carers please stay for the duration of the session.
More services
School holiday opening hours