‘May it please your Highness
The men of Warr which are ordered to attend on this Coast doe stand in need of many necessarys, which they cannot bee furnished with all at Liverpool; without an espesiall order; therefore I humbly begg your HIghnesse order to Alderman Walley and Victuallers there; that hee may furnish them with all necessarys; for should they be forced to come to London to bee supplyed the service would bee much retarded, nor can they in ye Winter, subsist in these Seas except they been sufficiently provided.
I have as yet heard nothing of the Shipping that were to come with money & provisions from Chester, only the Hare is arrrived heere from Ireland with a monthes pay for this fort according to ye Irish Establishment.
For my wants I shall addresse myselfe to his Excellency General Fleetwood and General Monck, who I hope will supply them and in all things shal endeavour to approve my selfe.
Your Highness’ most obedient servant
Wm. Brayne