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Highland Youth Parliament ‘Breathe2gether’ Conference

The annual Highland Youth Parliament (HYP) conference will take place at Canal Park, Inverness this Friday (June 17). Discussions will continue to focus on the theme of mental health with a particular focus on peer-to-peer education and support in Highland. Highland Youth Convener Anja Johnston said: “The topic of mental health is still as relevant… Read more »Read more

Highlands and Islands Enterprise joins forces with Spirit of the Highlands and Islands

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is joining forces with the Spirit of the Highlands and Islands project to provide funding support. Spirit of the Highlands and Islands aims to encourage visitors to see all parts of the Highlands and Islands in a sustainable way. HIE, Scotland’s economic and community development agency for the Highlands and… Read more »Read more

UK Government Minister visits Inverness ahead of £20 million investment in three major projects

UK Government Minister for Scotland Iain Stewart paid a visit to the Northern Meeting Park ahead of a multi-million investment in its redevelopment. Children from Central Primary School, St Joseph’s primary school and Bishop Eden’s Primary School met with Mr Stewart on Friday (June 10) and learnt more about the £5.2 million investment which will… Read more »Read more

Tapestry project welcomes Stitch Coordinator

A Stitch-Coordinator has been appointed to the Spirit of the Highlands and Islands tapestry project to oversee an army of volunteer stitchers. Kirstie Campbell works as a freelance designer and educator for the V&A Museum in Dundee, delivering creative workshops to audiences of all ages across a range of creative disciplines with a design focus…. Read more »Read more

Inverness Leisure welcomes Commonwealth Games weightlifters

Inverness Leisure centre has hosted weightlifters training for the Commonwealth Games this summer. The High Life Highland facility welcomed three members of Team Scotland to use the strength and conditioning room, gym and sauna over the weekend to prepare ahead of the Games in Birmingham in July. Representing Team Scotland in weightlifting are Alice Aitchison,… Read more »Read more

Celebrating the Inverness Highland Games of 2022

This year’s revived Highland Games in Inverness – returning to Bught Park on July 16 – will be a far cry from the ‘True Highland Games’ of 1822. Held at Dunain Croy, runners reportedly arrived at the finish line of an eight-mile race naked, while the ‘highlight’ was watching teams of men attempting to tear… Read more »Read more

Beating Retreat at Inverness Leisure

High Life Highland pipers and drummers will be performing a Beating Retreat at Inverness Leisure on June 12. Alongside members of Lochaber High School Senior Wind Band, Inverness Schools Wind Band, and East Highland Concert Band, HLH’s instrumental music service will be playing in the main hall of the leisure centre from 3pm. HLH head… Read more »Read more

Staff and Volunteer Awards 2022 – Public Nominations

Nominations are now open for the public to highlight staff and volunteers at High Life Highland that have gone above and beyond in their work. The charity will recognise staff and volunteers across the organisation at its annual awards ceremony on October 6. Nominations could be a member of staff from one of HLH’s 23… Read more »Read more

Launch of Inverness Football Memories Project

Memories of Inverness football down the years are being captured in a project being launched on Friday (May 27). Inverness Caledonian Thistle Community Trust is promoting the project which builds on the monthly meetings held at Caledonian Stadium when older members of the community meet to recall football memories. The Trust is being supported by… Read more »Read more

Proposed designs for two major projects in Inverness to go on show

Designs are set to go on show for two major development projects in Inverness following a successful bid by The Highland Council to the UK Government Levelling Up Fund. Under the banner of the Inverness Zero Carbon Cultural Regeneration Project – the bid to the Levelling Up Fund for almost £20 million brought together three… Read more »Read more