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Structural work begins on new accessible roof terrace for Inverness Castle Experience

Last week, the first major phase of work started to install a new universally accessible roof terrace, which will form part of the visitor experience at Inverness Castle, involving the careful removal of an original section of a concealed slate roof and the installation of a new structural deck in its place. The roof steel… Read more »Read more

Winners of Inver’s first of six Winter Series Cross Country race announced

Active Schools Co-ordinators from across East Ross and East Sutherland hosted the first of six Cross Country races at Inver Primary School on Tuesday 7th November. Around 140 pupils attended the event, with ages ranging from P4 to P7. The route was around the football field and along the shoreline, then back towards the school… Read more »Read more

Contractor announced for Northern Meeting Park refurbishment project in Inverness

The Highland Council has awarded the contract for the Northern Meeting Park refurbishments, as part of UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund, to Morrison Construction from Inverness. This announcement signals the next critical stage for the project with the start of the construction work that is vital in developing the future of the park. The Northern… Read more »Read more

Looking for work? High Life Highland set to pilot an Open Day event for Recruitment

Members of the public are invited to Inverness Leisure on Friday 1st December from 10am to 6:30pm for the pilot ‘Recruitment Open Day’ event aimed at those looking for full-time, part-time, and flexible job options. This first-of-its-kind event at Inverness Leisure will give attendees the opportunity to learn more about High Life Highland and hear… Read more »Read more

Ullapool Village Hall to host an enlightening talk on the Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic

The beauty and biodiversity of the Highlands come to the fore as the Ullapool Village Hall Committee Room opens its doors at 7:30pm tomorrow, on Thursday 16th November for an insightful community talk on the Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic. In the heart of Ullapool, a captivating evening is on the horizon for nature enthusiasts and… Read more »Read more

Upcoming ‘Canals, Curlews and Cormorants’ guided walk a brilliant opportunity for wildlife photographers

In recognition of what Autumn brings, High Life Highland’s Countryside Ranger for the Inverness Area, John Orr, will be co-facilitating a relaxing and informative walk titled ‘Canals, Curlews and Cormorants’. John shared: “I’m really looking forward leading this crisp, Autumn, Inverness walk. It’s such a special time of year to be out and about exploring… Read more »Read more

52 staff and volunteers awarded at High Life Highland’s new ‘i-care’ ceremony
(from L to R) David Simpson, Elizabeth McDonald, David Beaton – representatives of Stagecoach, the evening’s main sponsor, pose with High Life Highland’s Employee of the Year 2023

Volunteers and staff from High Life Highland, who went above and beyond within their roles by “Making Life Better”, were recognised and celebrated at the 2023 i-care Awards ceremony held in Strathpeffer Pavilion on Thursday 9th November. The ceremony was also broadcast live to those watching from the comfort of their homes thanks to the… Read more »Read more

Join Angus Og for a ‘Cartoon Ceilidh’ and ‘Out of the Archives’ exhibition launch during Book Week Scotland
SLAC Cartoon Ceilidh

Book Week Scotland is a week-long celebration of books and reading that takes place every November supported by The Scottish Book Trust. This year, Book Week Scotland runs from Monday 13th November until Sunday 19th November inclusive, and will be themed around ‘Adventure’ – which is perfect for Angus Og, who has several fun events… Read more »Read more

Have your say: Voting for new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament now open to Young People
Mollie McGoran – MSYP for Inverness and Nairn and Chair of SYP - speaking at the First Minister’s Anti-Poverty summit in Edinburgh in May 2023, where she asserted that Youth work is a route out of poverty for young people.

Around 160 young people aged 14 to 25 are elected every two years to represent every part of Scotland and campaign for positive change. Voting for new Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) is open now until 6pm on Sunday 19th November 2023. Mollie McGoran, who grew up in Alness and is the current… Read more »Read more

From Dingwall to Lochinver: Countryside Rangers celebrate a successful month of Highland-wide activities
Photo of child enjoying the end product of ‘10 things to do with a stick’ event in Laide earlier this year

High Life Highland is proud to announce a record-breaking month of educational projects and customer engagement in the North Team’s domain within the Rangers service. High Life Highland Ranger Service is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment, understanding, and care of the Highlands’ wildlife, environment, and landscapes. The service offers a range of educational programs, guided… Read more »Read more