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History Pilot





If you are interested in attending  classes at Nucleus get in touch with

Garance Warburton .



Nucleus: The Nuclear & Caithness Archive has teamed up with Lets Get On With It Together or LGOWIT to deliver a series of archive classes for the Caithness group.

We will be running 5 classes over October and November based at Nucleus. The group will be guided through all archive essentials beginning with an Archive 101, a “what’s it all about” session. They will learn why we have archives, their local, national and international importance. They will also be learning how to navigate through the Caithness heritage archive and the varied collections held at Nucleus, the information that’s available, and the journeys through time which can be experienced through the documents. Moving through the classes we will be researching family histories, the growth of the Wick and Caithness industries, followed by the social history of Caithness through our Private Deposit collection. Finally the group will have the opportunity to put all they have learnt into practice and follow their own research.

We are all very excited to be working with LGOWIT, which is a unique partnership of organisations who are motivated to work together to deliver a comprehensive approach to self-management for people living with long term conditions. Self-management for people with long term conditions is a means to ensure that they remain in control of their lives.

We are currently planning a series of open classes. If you would be interested in attending  classes at Nucleus get in touch with Garance Warburton via either email or phone.

garance.warburton@highlifehighland.com or you can call 01955 606 444

We will take a note of your contact details and get in touch when the classes are ready to be booked.

