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Visit us on Sunday the 17th September 2023 between 10am and 3pm to find out what we do, how we preserve historic documents, and how we store them safely so you and future generations can research and enjoy them! You can drop in throughout the day, but if you would like a behind the scenes… Read more »Read more

Nucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archives are proud to once again participate in the Caithness International Science Festival. Make sure you come along and see our Science and Industry exhibition featuring plans and manuscripts of some of Caithness’s greatest architectural and engineering feats from the 20th century. Held in our building, it is viewable Monday-Friday… Read more »Read more

We are delighted to announce that Nucleus – the Nuclear and Caithness Archive is the latest Scottish service to be awarded Accredited Archive Status. Nucleus becomes the tenth service based in Scotland to achieve Accredited Status. The Accreditation Panel which made the award noted: The Panel congratulated the Nucleus team and stakeholders on their impressive… Read more »Read more

Come along to our Open Day on 4th January!! There will be a variety of things to see and do including an exhibition of documents, calligraphy and the chance to speak to our Archive Assistants about any research queries you may have. Guided Tours – There will be 3 tours throughout the day at 11:30,… Read more »Read more

We are looking for a volunteer or two Do you have an interest in or knowledge of Caithness history? Do you enjoy research and solving a mystery? We have around 350 images from across Caithness taken over the past 150 years, which have little to no supporting information. We are looking for volunteers to take… Read more »Read more

Join us over the next few months for a journey through our collections and get to know your local archive. The classes start with an introduction to the archive, followed by family history for the beginner. These classes will give you the knowledge and confidence to begin your own journey of research, whether for study… Read more »Read more

FULLY BOOKED If you are interested in attending classes at Nucleus get in touch with Garance Warburton . [email protected] Nucleus: The Nuclear & Caithness Archive has teamed up with Lets Get On With It Together or LGOWIT to deliver a series of archive classes for the Caithness group. We will be running… Read more »Read more

Come along and join us at Berriedale Church on Sunday 23rd September 11am to 4pm. You will have the opportunity to explore one of Caithness’s gems. Berridale Church is one of 32 Parliamentary Churches commissioned and built by Thomas Telford. The Berriedale church is one of the few that remain and even more excitingly the… Read more »Read more