Academic Journal Articles in the library
Access to Research gives anyone in a UK public library, free, walk-in access to millions of journal articles, provided by many of the world’s leading academic publishers. Visit your local High Life Highland Library branch, book a PC and click on the ‘Access to Research’ icon on the computer desktop.

Please note that the full journals service including full text of articles is only accessible from computers inside participating library networks.
High Life Highland Libraries are proud to be taking part in a groundbreaking initiative to provide free access to published research from academic journals and conference proceedings.
How it works
Access to Research enables people to read more than 40 million academic articles on a wide variety of subjects. All content is accessed online via terminals within public library.
Science, technical and medical research forms the majority but humanities content is also available. So far, over 8,000 titles from leading publishers including Emerald, OUP, SAGE, Taylor and Francis and Wiley are available for you to read onscreen and print out for personal, non-commercial use.
Search for articles from home before you visit the library. Browse all journals available on Access to Research. If you can’t see the article that you want, please ask us to obtain it for you through the reservation service.
Licensing conditions for this information which is usually only available on subscription in academic libraries, means that we can only provide it on computers in the library and that it is not available through library Wi-Fi.