Angus Og was created by cartoonist Ewen Bain and his adventures were based on the fabled Isle of Drambeg in the Utter Hebrides. Angus Og began in the Bulletin and was published in the Daily Record from 1960 through to 1989. There were 158 Angus Og adventures and the cartoon and its characters were well-kent faces across Scotland for 30 years.
However, following the death of their creator Ewen Bain, the cartoon, for the most part, fell from the public eye. Apart from a couple of interesting exhibitions in the early 90s there was very little Angus Og material available and, in a pre-internet era, very few options available to share the stories. There was some academic interest in studying the cartoons but following the death of Ewen Bain’s wife Sheila no one knew where the original cartoons could be found…that was until one wonderful day in 2019!
On holiday in Skye, her father’s ‘home’, Ewen’s daughter Rhona popped into the local post office and found herself chatting about the cartoons. From this conversation an idea was formed to bring some of the vast collection of original drawings back home to Skye and now the collection of original strips has been donated to the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre.
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