New Exhibition
Iomain: An-dè, An-diugh agus A-màireach
Proiseict mu chluicheadairean Camanachd an Eilein Sgitheanaich;a b’abhaist a bhith a’ cluich, na cluicheadairean latha an-diugh agus na cluicheadairean san am ri teachd. ’Se pròiseact a th’ann airson sealltainn dè tha an spòrs iomain a’ ciallachadh dha na daoine a tha ga cluiche. ’S e pàirt mhòr de ar cultar agus de dhearbh-athne nan daoine air a’Ghàidhealtachd. Seo dealbhan a tha mar eachdraidh bheò, a’nochdadh chluicheadairean bho ghinealach gu ginealach.
Shinty; Past, Present and Future
A project based on the Isle of Skye, capturing the faces of past, present and future players of Skye Camanachd club. A photography project bringing the Shinty community together through a series of images of the players. A very exciting project showing the range of ages and people that are involved within the Shinty community. Shinty is a huge part of our Highland identity and something most people are involved in, even if your aren’t a player you will know of someone that is involved in
Isabelle Law is a student photographer currently in the last year of studying BA Hons Photography course. from Kylerhea. Photographing the local communities in different aspects of life to shed light on the way of life on our Island.