2015 has been a particularly challenging year for the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre. The first part of the year saw the completion of a project marking the centenary of the First World War at a local level. An exhibition and conference organised by the Archive Centre culminated in a weekend of events put together by other community groups to coincide with the centenary of the Battle of Festubert, the first battle of the war to have a significant impact on local soldiers.
The exhibition opened at the Archive Centre on 12 March, combining items loaned by the local community along with material researched at the Highlanders Museum, Fort George, and other public collections. An audio-visual display of images, film footage and music of the First World War proved an especially moving exhibit. It has been a privilege to hear from relatives of those whose experiences of the conflict have survived the last hundred years and to realise the almost universal impact of this truly world war. It’s enduring relevance for today was reflected in the size of the audience attracted by the programme, particularly the Festubert weekend in May 2015. One attendee described it as ‘a great weekend, with something for all ages and tastes’.
Since July, our public service has been significantly disrupted by renovation works at the Elgin Hostel, the 1930s school residence which houses the Archive Centre. The building is currently being restored to its original purpose, with works scheduled for completion in 2016. The Archive Service will return there once the building project is complete, but has been temporarily operating from Portree Community Library. As most collections have been decanted for safekeeping, users are advised to contact staff in advance of any planned visit.
Anne Macdonald, Skye and Lochalsh Archivist