- Child Protection Officer Training (In Safe Hands)
September 24, 2019
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
‘In Safe Hands’ is a three hour workshop focusing on helping clubs to put child protection policies into practice. Organised by CHILDREN 1ST and sportscotland, the workshop is aimed at those acting in sports clubs as the Club Child Protection Officer. Subjects covered include legal duties, roles and responsibilities, practical procedures (including the safe recruitment and selection of those who have contact with children in sport) and how to appropriately manage concerns. As well as exploring the relevant issues through discussion; this course offers practical advice, examples, resources and information about on-going support available for sports clubs. By the end of the workshop, participants will have identified and planned action required in their club to keep children, and those who work with them, safe.
Candidates must be over 16 years to attend and should have first attended the Child Wellbeing & Protection in Sport workshop or equivalent.
To book your place please use this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/in-safe-hands-workshop-tickets-66665948647