The purpose of LSAWG is to develop and promote sport & physical activity opportunities in the Lochaber area and be a mechanism for clubs and organisations to collaborate. The project is being driven by a working group made up of High Life Highland, West Highland College, Highlands & Islands Student Association, sportscotland, Lochaber Sports Association and local sports clubs. LSAWG are currently working on the following priorities:
- Deliver a package of coach CPD, 1st aid, SPC, coach connect
- Engage the wider community to establish local need/opportunities
- Develop a local tutor workforce
- Deliver a package of volunteer workshops – funding, social media & governance
- Explore student projects and placements with clubs
- Develop local sports promotion inc tasters days
- Support clubs to develop and create new clubs
Who is involved?
WHC School of Adventure Studies
Highlands & Islands Student Association
The working group meets every quarter in West Highland College. Please get in touch for further info about training courses and meeting dates.
Community Sport Hub Officer: Donald Hall
T: 01349 781691 / 07795 825626
Active Schools Coordinator: Bridget Thomas
T: 07747762497