The Visual Artist and Craft Makers Awards (VACMA) scheme offers small grants to visual artists and craft makers for their creative development at all stages of their career. These awards are supported by Creative Scotland through funding from the National Lottery in partnership with High Life Highland and are open to artists and makers who can demonstrate a commitment to developing their creative practice.
VACMA offers fixed bursaries of £500 and £1000. The purpose of these bursaries is to support visual artists and craft makers in their creative and professional development.
- £1,000 Bursary is for artists and makers who have been practicing for over 5 years, regardless of whether they have gone through formal education or not.
- £500 Early-Career Bursary is for artists and makers that have been practicing for less than 5 years. This includes recent graduates (2019 or later) and those that have not studied art formally but have been practising as an artist or maker for up to 5 years.
Who can apply?
- Scotland-based visual artists and craft makers who live or maintain a studio space in the Local Authority areas of Highland, Moray or Western Isles that they are applying to.
- Previous VACMA recipients who have submitted an End of Project Report.
This fund is for practising artists and makers. Applicants should have achieved a body of work out with formal education (unless a recent graduate) and have experience of the public engaging with their work.
Part-time students can apply but will need to prove their part-time status and that the activity they are applying for does not contribute toward their academic studies.
VACMA has two deadlines:
- Autumn deadline: 5pm, 22 October 2024
- Winter deadline: 5pm, 4 February 2025
How to apply
Please read the guidelines before submitting an application. All applications should be submitted using the online application form below.
- Read the full Guidelines
- Read the full Guidelines in GAELIC
- Complete the online Application Form
- Complete the online Equalities Monitoring Form
For any queries regarding the Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards scheme please contact Kirsten Body kirsten.body@highlifehighland.com